
Home Primary Admissions

Students Guidelines - Always

  • Come prepared to school.
  • Participate fully and be an active listener.
  • Be punctual.
  • Use common courtesy.
  • Complete all work.
  • Use appropriate language.
  • Show respect and tolerance to fellow classmates.
  • Follow directions.


A pupil seeking admission for the first time will have to produce his / her birth certificate issued by any competent authority. All Original documents will not be returned.

According to Municipal regulations only pupils who complete 5 years or more as on re-opening day of the academic year can be admitted to STD I progressively to other standards. Those who seek admission to STD II and upwards should produce the leaving certificate of the previous school and in cases from other states counter signed by the education officer of the division in which the school is situated.


  • All documents, once submitted become the property of the School and are not returned.
  • Notice of withdrawal should be given in writing a month in advance or fees for one month will be charged. Such notice should be given by the parents of the pupil. Those who leave in November or thereafter will have to pay their fees up to May.
  • No School Leaving Certificate will be granted unless all School dues are paid. No refund of any fees whatsoever is permitted at the time of leaving. The application form for the leaving Certificate may be obtained from the School Calendar.
  • The H.M. has the right to refuse continuation of studies to any pupil whose conduct or influence is unsatisfactory.


Irregular attendance, repeated absence for a long period without genuine reason, habitual idleness, disobedience, objectionable moral influence, reported misbehaviour outside the school and repeated detention in any one standard are reasons for removal of a pupil.

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